For those of you don't know Eleanor's nickname, we call her the "The Bobbie Girl"! It came about when she was about a month old and stuck as a nickname that Michael and I call her. Anyone who knows me, knows I name and rename everything and everyone! For now it suits her bold, alert and extremely cute personality :)
Eleanor is four months old and doing great! She is a happy girl and getting so big and smart. We've finally established a routine and she continues to sleep through the night in her taco. Thank goodness for that! She has difficulty napping during the day and prefers to nap on any warm and willing body in sight! I am trying to wean her of that, but it is tough.
Last weekend the Zimmerman clan was in town for the CIM Marathon. We had a busy weekend socializing with Eleanor's Aunts, Uncles & Grandparents and she did great! Eleanor loves hanging out at Grammies and enjoyed visiting with everyone. We also celebrated Michael and Alexa's birthdays! Congrats to the Marathoners (by the way)...Alexa and Abby PR'd and Dad and Abby qualified for Boston! Whoohoo!
Michael is a BUSY Daddy because he has been studying for law school finals. He has three finals in four days, then a break until his fourth and last final. He is working so hard and we are really proud of him. Go Daddy go!
I have been one busy Momma. I still work two days a week in the salon, but love my "Mommy time". Our days are filled with playtime, lunch dates, and afternoons visiting with Grandma. We take many stroller walks to local shopping centers and love cruising the aisles of Target!
Parenthood is the most amazing gig in the world and Eleanor truly is "light of our lives". We are so blessed she is healthy and happy and sometimes I can't believe she is ours to keep! We love her so much :)

Eleanor LOVES bath time

The happy Grandparents

Our Family

Happy Birthday Alexa

Eleanor & Aunt Abby

Tummy time

Celebrating Daddy's birthday