Thursday, February 2, 2012

Welcome Baby Andrew!!

My sister Alexa & her husband Chad welcomed their new baby boy, Andrew Chad to the world on January 12, 2012! He is the sweetest little guy and Mom, Dad & baby are doing great! We are all so excited for them and have enjoyed watching his every move (though they are few and far between!). He is so tiny and precious and we can't get enough cuddle time! Congratulations Alexa & Chad!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This one is for my girls, Abby, Alexa & Grammie!!

Ok, so it has been over two months since my last post, and the troops are getting restless! We have been busy...Thanksgiving, a visit from Eleanor's great Uncle Craig & Aunt Lynne, Christmas & New Years! Here are a few of the highlights:

A Beautiful Fall in California

Eleanor & her "Mummy". She loved the snowman on the front porch & called him "Mummmy"! Finally took him down today :(

Eleanor & Pa picking the Christmas tree


Eleanor baking at Grammie's

Family Picture

New Christmas present from Grammie & Pa

Buddy likes it too :)

Eleanor likes when I wrap my scarves around her head, what a funny girl!