Ron LOVES Eleanor & Eleanor LOVES Ron!! They are best friends and Ron is never far from her side. He is such a sweet cat & tolerates Eleanor's frequent petting (& hair pulling!)
Aunt Abby & Uncle Todd visited last weekend & helped celebrate my parents
40Th wedding anniversary. We stayed overnight at my parent's house and had so much fun with everyone. Eleanor swam in their pool for the first time & had a BLAST! She is an absolute fish & loves the water!
Eleanor & I have been hanging out together during the day while Michael is busy working. We miss him a lot, but have been keeping busy in the kiddie pool on the back patio :)
With much anticipation, we celebrated Michael's first Father's Day as a Dad. I have been pregnant for the past two Father's Days, so this year was "heaven sent". The three of us had a very relaxing afternoon together, then my parents came over for a home cooked meal. We are truly blessed to have such an amazing baby girl & Father's Day was a great day to reflect the joy that she brings us everyday :)
Eleanor's cousin, Emma, turned two on June 18Th. The older kids had a blast going down the slide while the little babies played in the kiddie pool. Braden is 8 months old and such a sweet little man :)
The president of Eleanor's fan club is Grammie Janet! She is also Eleanor's babysitter on Fridays and doing such a great job! She even brings her to my work so I can nurse her in the afternoon. What a babysitter!! Thank you so much Mom...we love you :)
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