She is 7 weeks now and absolutely amazing!! We love her so much and cannot imagine life without her! She recently slept through the night 2 nights ago from 10PM to 6AM, and last night made it from 10PM to 4AM. Pretty good for a 7 weeker, I say! We "try" to start her out in her bassinet at night, but somehow she ends up in our bed with us!! I have no idea how that We will have to wean her from the habit eventually, but for now she sleeps with Mom & Dad! What can I say, she loves to snuggle!
We have been going on more outings recently (with the help of Grandma Bubby), but I am doing pretty good managing the car seat and stroller (they are SO heavy). She hates the car after about 10 minutes so we try to stay close to home. She loves furry blankets even though it's still 100 degrees in Sacramento!
Anyway, that's our life for now...I'm sure it will change next week :)

You are such a smart mamma, Elizabeth. Eleanor has tons of time to sleep in her own bed. Enjoy this time together. I enjoyed your blog, she is just adorable. :-)