Thursday, September 9, 2010

Update & New Pic

It has been such a busy week that I have forgotten to post! On Tuesday Aunt Alexa came to help with my post-op doctor appointment and we ran errands all afternoon. It was fun, but tiring to say the least! We went to Babies R Us, Bed Bath & Beyond, Borders, and the mall! Oh, and Taco Bell for lunch (very healthy...haha). Thanks for all your help Alexa :)

Yesterday was Eleanor's first stroller walk. The two of us walked across the street to Target and cruised the aisles for bargains. We also went to starbucks and got a coffee (decaf of course, for the breastfeeding Momma). As I was walking along I noticed a huge smile across my face. I realized that the past year of sadness and months of tiring bedrest has paid off! This is my new life and I couldn't be happier!

Tomorrow I go back to work and I am really looking forward to seeing all my clients. My clients have become such amazing friends over the years and they have supported me through it all. Can't wait to catch up with everyone! I will only work 4 hours on both Friday and Saturday and Michael is planning on bringing Eleanor to me for her feedings. I am a little nervous about how to time her feedings just right, but we will figure it out, I hope!

I told my sister-in-law Amber that I would post pics of our new slipcovers so she could check them out :) Got them on Tuesday at Bed Bath & Beyond and I think they look pretty good. The cats have destroyed our furniture, so I guess this is a temporary fix!

Here's the little Missy!


  1. Wow! Miss Eleanor looks fabulous in pink polka dots ... an unbias Grand Ma.

  2. Wow they both look really good! You can't even tell that the chair has a slip cover! I think that I will have to go check out some slip covers for my couches now! lol. Eleanor looks so cute, I can't wait to see you guys again!

  3. I am so happy that your life is deserve it!

  4. So happy you have returned to us Elizabeth! Your happiness is wonderful!! I agree with your Mom, love those poka-dots! Your home looks so stylish. Wow, returning to work. Just look at your life!! I have to say, Eleanor looks so much like her Daddy!
    Am I right? She has your flair for fashion!! lv/oo

    Eleanor is beginning to pose for the photographer now! Such a blondie :-)
