Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas & Maui!!

Hi everyone, I'm back! It's been a long time since updating the blog and A LOT has happened in Miss Eleanor's life! We made it through a busy Christmas holiday and really enjoyed every moment of it! It is tradition in the Zimmerman house to stay the night on Christmas Eve, so Eleanor spent her first night away from home. My family decided to draw names this year in order to minimize gift giving and time spent unwrapping, but the number of gifts bought for Eleanor made up for it! We opened, opened, & opened lots of wonderful gifts for Eleanor from her Aunties, Uncles, & Grandparents...boy, do they love spoiling her! The afternoon and evening were spent at the Rands celebration and Miss Eleanor was a trooper! She did great being passed from one relative to the next and I think the highlight of her day was napping on Uncle Chad :)

The Rand family left for Maui on December 27th and we had a great time! It was such a treat being in a warm climate during the winter season. Eleanor did great traveling and slept the entire flight! She adjusted to the time change and was a happy girl in Maui! It was definitely a different trip having a 5 month old baby in tow, but I would gladly trade the Mai Tais at happy hour for naps with my girl any day!

While we we in Maui, Eleanor learned to roll from her back to stomach, sit up in her taco, & she even found her voice! She now thoroughly enjoys screaming at us for no apparent reason! It's a crack up and I love getting to know her personality. She is strong willed and has a wild spirit! She also thinks she is "so cool" when standing (with help of course). We think it's only a matter of time before she takes off crawling! Can't wait!

Just helping Grandma in the kitchen on Christmas

Christmas morning with Grandpa

Family pic

At the beach

Happy New Year!

Just reading on vacation

Eleanor & Dad at the beach


  1. Miss Eleanor is growing up & loving life with her mama & dada! She's a lucky lady!

  2. All I can say is, she sure is adorable and surrounded by so many loving, caring people. How much luckier can a little girl get! The best gift we can give someone is "love"...keep up the good work Elizabeth and Mike. It's evident by Eleanor's smile that she is very loved :-) Can't wait to meet her sometime soon. Love, Aunt Lynne

  3. P.S. Happy Birthday dear Elizabeth. Love, Aunt Lynne

  4. ok! I was the first one to comment & my password is still a mess! Anyway, I love Eleanor's happy smiles.
    She sure has a pleasant personality! Looks like you all had a great va/ca together! Nice pics Elizabeth. Your're looking great!
