Saturday, July 31, 2010

This one's for you, Alexa!

My older sister, Alexa, anxiously awaits my next blog this one is dedicated to you sister!

With less than 10 days to go until the scheduled C Section, I have found myself bored and antsy! I continue to knit lots of baby hats, but I'm feeling a little "over it" at this point. To date, I have knitted 15 hats! They are fun, easy, and fast projects to complete, but I am ready for a change...a bigger challenge! Tomorrow I will begin one final "bedrest" project of a Christmas stocking for Eleanor. I am planning to use my Mom's pattern that she used to knit my childhood stocking. I am very excited about this new endeavour and even plan to knit one for Michael :)

It's strange feeling bored now after all this time laying! I have more freedom now than ever, but simply don't know what to do. Every day I complete one or two small cleaning tasks in preparation for the big day. I have cleaned out the refrigerator, the stove, dusted furniture, and even cleaned the few blinds that I can reach. May not sound like a lot, but for someone who has been laying for nearly 5 months, it's pretty exciting. I know, it's sick to love cleaning so much, but I do! Michael really has done an amazing job caring for both me and the house, but I need my domain back! I'm definitely ready.

Ron is on bedrest today!

15 Baby Hats

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my Mom's birthday and I just want to wish her a very happy birthday! She is a Leo and absolutely LOVES her birthday! Eleanor will be a Leo too, so we will have a family filled with entertainment! Michael and I took her her lunch this afternoon and spent some time together relaxing before her afternoon golf game. My Mom is the best and I love her so much! She has been there through everything...the good, the bad, the ugly and the sad! We look forward to many great adventures as we enter a new stage of life. So, thank you Mom. Thank you for for everything you do!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dad's Birthday Party

Last night we celebrated my Dad's birthday with a homemade spaghetti and meatball dinner and a fabulous old fashioned birthday cake! Due to Gestational Diabetes, I had limited pasta and no cake, but everyone else enjoyed the festivities without limitations! We really missed our little sister Abby and hubby Todd though :(

It was a big day out for me because I had my weekly doctor appointment which was followed by birthday present shopping. Then we ventured to the Zimmerman's for an afternoon of cooking and visiting with one another. I, of course, layed on the coach the majority of the day, but was so tired by the day's end. Michael and I even slept in until 10AM this morning! We figure it may be one of the last few days of sleeping in for a while, so we kept on dozing!

Here are some pics from the party:

Dinner Time...Yes, I am eating in exile on a lounge chair!

Happy Birthday Mom & Dad!

Alexa & Elizabeth...We miss you Abby!

Michael & Elizabeth...Whose belly is bigger?!

Monday, July 26, 2010

37 Weeks...FULL TERM...Can I get a Woop Woop!!

Well, it's official, FULL TERM!! Now it's really time to party! Haha. We had another doctor appointment today and my doctor informed me that he feels like this pregnancy is never ending! He said it feels like it's the length of two pregnancies...I think he's ready to cross my name off his patient list! Week after week my entourage (Michael, Mom and sometimes Alexa) follow me into the exam room and we all wait for the "wise and mighty" Dr. M to give us the latest update. We really do LOVE him and will probably miss our weekly visits. Don't tell anyone, but we even have his personal phone number! Hehe.

Today's news was pretty much the same. I am still 90% effaced, but now dilated to a 1. Her bottom is still wedged low in my pelvis, but her legs are now folded in half up to her face. Yikes! Dr. M says not to be alarmed when her legs stay above her head for a few days after birth! LOL. Today she weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and seems to be growing at a fast rate. I guess she's taking after her Dad who was born weighing 10 lbs. 8 oz! She's already passed my birth weight which was a mere 6 lbs. 1 oz. At any rate, Eleanor will be the perfect size for her.

So now we wait. Dr. M still wants me to take the medicine at my discretion depending on comfort level. If I start cramping more than usual, the plan is to go into the office for an exam. If I have dilated any more, he may do the C section earlier. He doesn't want her to drop too low into my pelvis because the lower the position, the larger the incision. So, we will see...Is anything normal about this pregnancy?! Did I mention I have two placentas!

Today is my Dad's birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY we are heading over to my parents' for a small family celebration. I'm looking forward to getting out of the house for a bit. My Mom's birthday is Wednesday so who knows, maybe Eleanor and Grandma will share a birthday :) We will see!

Friday, July 23, 2010

I think we have a kitty situation :)

Last week Michael's brother, Robert and his wife Amber graciously brought over their baby bassinet for us to borrow. It is in great condition and we are so excited to use it when Eleanor comes home. Two others were pretty excited to give it a test drive too. Before we knew it, the cats were exploring what they think is their new bed. I know, I know, no cats near baby stuff! But come cute are the buds? Yes, we are total pushovers!

BJ caught in the act!

Ron aka "The Ham"

I recently discovered a new hat pattern that I LOVE!! It is so cute and really fun to knit up! If any fellow knitters out there are interested, let me know and I can email the pattern. Check it out...

A hat for Christmas! Michael's favorite :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To be or not to be (full term), that is the question!

I was under the impression that 36 weeks is "full term", but I have recently read that 37 weeks is technically full term. Which is it?! Sounds like pregnancy controversy to me. It has been such a huge goal of ours to make it to the full term mark and we are so close!

I stopped taking the medicine today at 5am and my body began contracting more than usual. Not painful, but just no real break between contractions. It seemed like my uterus was tight for nearly an hour. So, I emailed my doctor and he said it was no big deal to continue taking the medicine for another few days...until I am technically full term. I feel much better about this because I think as soon as I stop the medicine altogether, I will go into labor within a day or so. Who knows, I could be wrong! Another few days of medicine also allows the baby to get just a little bit bigger.

I am also having mixed emotions about actually going into labor. We have all done everything in our power to avoid it, and now it is knocking on the door. Well guess what, the doorbell is disconnected and nobody is home! I know she has to come out...right?! We are so ready to meet this little lady, but I am nervous. Nervous about when & where labor will hit and how everything will be handled at the hospital. I just want her to be perfect and healthy!

So Monday it is. I will be 37 weeks, we will stop the medicine, and I hope to report back that we are ready! Stay tuned...

Monday, July 19, 2010

36 Weeks

HOORAY for 36 weeks!! My doctor asked me today if I ever thought I would make it this far and my answer was, "Yeah...I guess so". Even though the answer to this question has changed many times throughout the pregnancy, I did think it was possible. Like the little engine that could! I think I can, I think I can...

Today's doctor visit was filled with questions about labor & delivery and we even scheduled an appointment for the C section at 39 weeks. Doctor M thinks I will make it another 3 weeks, so mark your calendars for August 9th! Eleanor has grown quite a bit in just one week and now weighs 6 lbs. He noted that she has quite a bit of hair and her fat layers are increasing. No cervical check today because things appear unchanged from last week. Also, there is no reason to put my body through an unneeded internal exam. So that's the doctor report...I think it was the best one yet :)

Michael, my Mom, and I ventured to Babies r Us after the doctors visit today. We had a few last minute items to cross off the list before the big day. I think it safe to say, WE ARE READY!! I attempted to shop, but got tired after only 15 minutes. My feet swelled so much they were unrecognizable. Kinda funny. My sister Alexa likes to laugh at the "kankles" and chubby legs! It is quite a sight to see on someone who normally has "chicken legs"!

I go off my anti-contraction medication tomorrow, so we will see what happens. No research has proven its reliability, but something sure has worked. A little nervous to stop taking it, because I have taken it around the clock since 22 weeks.

This week will be filled with knitting, resting, and last minute organizing around the house (if I am allowed!). I will continue to lay the majority of the day because it seems to work. Plus, I better soak up all the royal treatment I can before this little lady arrives!

Michael, Mom & the new baby bouncer

Sunday, July 18, 2010

No news is good news...

It's been a pretty mellow week, so I guess that is a good thing! We are all getting so excited though! Mom, Dad, and Alexa stopped by today for a visit and delivered nursing bras...the highlight of the day was Alexa and I both trying them on! I still continue to lay in bed/couch the majority of the day, but we are all breathing just a little bit easier. Tomorrow...36 weeks!

Last Thursday was a big day out. Michael and I stopped by his family's house for our nephew's 16th birthday. It was a quick visit, but it was so great to see everyone. I have not seen his family in over four months!! I think they were beginning to think Michael had me stuffed into a closet or something! Haha.

We have our weekly doctor appointment tomorrow and I anticipate things are either the same or slightly progressed. Contractions continue at the same pace. Nighttime poses a constant challenge because I sleep in an upright position in order to avoid contractions. Everyone says that we will get no sleep when the baby arrives, but I get no sleep now! I guess I'm in training.

Stay tuned for the doctor update tomorrow!

New baby bag...thanks Mom, I love it!

Ron doesn't know it, but his life is about to change!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Eleanor's Nursery

We have been preparing the nursery for Eleanor for quite some time now. Michael has worked so hard & he is my handy man!! Haha. He's hung the curtains, built the crib (with Alexa's help), and today he put together a shelf above the changing table. I've done the decorating (and directing) from the futon. I think we are just about ready!

The crib...thank you Mom & Dad!

Ron is ready to meet his new friend!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

35 Weeks

Yesterday was our weekly doctor appointment and things are still going! Baby weighs 5 lbs. 2 oz. and is still in breech position. Her butt is wedged low in my pelvis and the odds of her flipping are slim. So, a C section is likely to occur at this point. My cervix has thinned out almost entirely, so doc estimates two weeks until delivery. If she doesn't arrive (and doesn't flip), a C section will be scheduled for 39 weeks. So, either way, our little lady will be arriving in 2 - 4 weeks! So exciting to think about!! Can't wait to see what she looks like. The question of the hour is, what color is her hair?! Light or dark? Taking all bets now.

We have been preparing as much as possible, but I still feel like we have a lot to do. I have a last minute list of baby essentials (i.e. thermometer, diapers & wipes, and bathing supplies), then we should be good to go. Not the end of the world if I don't have everything done, but I like to be prepared and organized.

I continue to rest the majority of the day. Still knitting tons of baby hats, which I love! They are fun, creative, and quick projects to complete. Yesterday was occupied by washing and organizing every article of baby clothing we have. My Mom went up and down the stairs about ten times to the laundry room! Thank you Mom!

I also continue to have contractions every day, and I keep wondering when the "real deal" will hit. A little nervous about actually being in labor since we have been avoiding that notion for four months! Seems contrary to every thought or action, but I keep telling myself it is OK now!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Even though my doctor has released me from bedrest, I continue to lay here the majority of the day. I feel as if I know my body's limitations and don't want to push my luck. In one more week I will be full term, so the trip to the mall will just have to wait! Haha. I've started to move around a little more which includes standing & sitting for longer periods of a time. Sounds exciting, huh?! Well, it is for someone who has been laying for nearly four months!

Michael and I are both in "nesting" mode. He has cleaned and reorganized the entire garage and straightened up the backyard. He worked so hard in the heat and both look great...such a wonderful husband! I have been nesting in my mind for months now, but finally got to clean and reorganize my desk. It felt great and I can't wait to do more! Sounds sick, I know. A side effect of pregnancy.

My parents came over this afternoon and we had a "mini baby shower"! We opened presents, ate lunch, watched a movie, and enjoyed a Jimmy Buffet concert on TV. Pretty relaxing day. Thanks Mom and Dad, we love you guys!

Also, thank you all for such wonderful love and support! We really enjoy reading all of your comments!

Another day, another hat!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dear Bedrest

Dear Bedrest,

I am writing to inform you that this relationship is coming to an end. According to my doctor, you are no longer needed. However, I feel differently. I may continue to stay for another week or so, but please don't feel as if I'm using you. We have spent four months together and you have taught me many things. You provided endless hours of TV watching 90210 and Sex and the City. I learned patience while I knitted numerous projects for my baby girl. We ate every meal together and you never got mad when I spilled. You never questioned my unsightly appearance or asked me to shower more than once a week.

There were times when our relationship was a bit rocky and I didn't know if I could trust you. For that, I am sorry. You never let me down and I should have had more faith.

Even though I am happy this relationship is almost over, I will miss you. I will never forget our time together. After the baby is born, I will be very busy, but I do promise to stop by from time to time to say hello. We now have a past. Thank you for everything my dearest bedrest.

Love always,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Doctor Day...34 Weeks!!

Well, we made it...34 weeks and still pregnant! My favorite doctor returned from his six week vacation and we got good news today. I'm officially released from bedrest!! I can't believe that after 15 weeks of laying here, it is over. Feels strange, but a huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders. I will continue to rest/lay as much as possible because it seems to be working, but might take two showers a week instead of one! Haha. I will also continue to take the medicine until 36 weeks, then we will see what happens. The baby looks great and weighs 4 lbs. 12 oz. She is currently breech and if she doesn't change positions, they will do a C section.

Today was a busy day at home. My Mom and I went through all the donated baby clothes (still laying on the couch). We have 100 onsies!! Yikes.

This past Sunday was my big day out and we spent the afternoon at my parents' house. I lounged poolside for a bit in the shade then retreated to the comforts of the air conditioning. It was great to have the whole family together. The fam gave Michael and I a fireworks sendoff as we left! Pretty exciting!

Next stop...36 weeks. Full term. Is it possible?!

Ron waiting for Eleanor

Mom & Ron organizing baby clothes

Lounging poolside on the 4TH

Fireworks sendoff: Todd & Abby

Mom & Dad

Friday, July 2, 2010

Baby "Stuff"

What's up with all the baby stuff?! I'm in uncharted territory!! Yesterday my Mom and Auntie Kris went to Babies R Us and registered us for all the baby essentials. From the Boppy to the Diaper Gennie, we now are equipped with all the baby "must haves". Thank you Mom & Kris! I do feel slightly overwhelmed with all the baby clothes...what do infants wear & when do they wear it?! I'm sure we will figure it out as it goes, but I thrive on preparation. We still need to sort through and organize all the clothes that were recently donated. Thank you Karrissa, Amber, Melissa, & Cory!

Gestational Diabetes Update: My blood sugar levels have been great, but I am still struggling with lack of weight gain. The GD diet is too healthy for pregnancy! This week, I added a protein shake twice a day, so hopefully that will give my body the boost it needs to add a few extra pounds. Today Michael made me an 800 calorie breakfast...3 eggs, english muffin with peanut butter, and a protein shake. We are determined to pack on the pounds for this little lady!

Busy weekend ahead...Saturday is our 7th anniversary. Just planning to get take out dinner and enjoy one another's company. On Sunday we are relocating bedrest to my parents' house. Since I am so close to being released, we thought it would be a nice change of pace to get out of the house. My sisters and their husbands will be there, so I can't wait to have the whole family together again. Happy 4th!