Monday, July 26, 2010

37 Weeks...FULL TERM...Can I get a Woop Woop!!

Well, it's official, FULL TERM!! Now it's really time to party! Haha. We had another doctor appointment today and my doctor informed me that he feels like this pregnancy is never ending! He said it feels like it's the length of two pregnancies...I think he's ready to cross my name off his patient list! Week after week my entourage (Michael, Mom and sometimes Alexa) follow me into the exam room and we all wait for the "wise and mighty" Dr. M to give us the latest update. We really do LOVE him and will probably miss our weekly visits. Don't tell anyone, but we even have his personal phone number! Hehe.

Today's news was pretty much the same. I am still 90% effaced, but now dilated to a 1. Her bottom is still wedged low in my pelvis, but her legs are now folded in half up to her face. Yikes! Dr. M says not to be alarmed when her legs stay above her head for a few days after birth! LOL. Today she weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and seems to be growing at a fast rate. I guess she's taking after her Dad who was born weighing 10 lbs. 8 oz! She's already passed my birth weight which was a mere 6 lbs. 1 oz. At any rate, Eleanor will be the perfect size for her.

So now we wait. Dr. M still wants me to take the medicine at my discretion depending on comfort level. If I start cramping more than usual, the plan is to go into the office for an exam. If I have dilated any more, he may do the C section earlier. He doesn't want her to drop too low into my pelvis because the lower the position, the larger the incision. So, we will see...Is anything normal about this pregnancy?! Did I mention I have two placentas!

Today is my Dad's birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY we are heading over to my parents' for a small family celebration. I'm looking forward to getting out of the house for a bit. My Mom's birthday is Wednesday so who knows, maybe Eleanor and Grandma will share a birthday :) We will see!


  1. WOOP WOOP!!!!! Yay!! Can't wait to see pictures of her! You are such a trooper : )s

  2. ME TOO!! WOOP, WOOP ELIZABETH!! Sounds Eleanor is going to be as agile as her Mom was when she was an incredible cheerleader, with her knees already touching her nose just about!! Such form!! ;) You and your entourage to the doctor's today must have been quite something!! :) Yes, Happy Birthday to your Dad! Have fun celebrating... Keep us posted of anything you feel like sharing, please!! Congrats on reaching Eleanor's 6 lbs. 11 oz.! Good job girlie!! oo

  3. Yay! sounds great! Happy B-days to both grandparents and did I mention I LOVE LOVE LOVE the baby room. SO cute.

    Time for a baby shower!
